Build An Ark

I recently attended a forum at LifeChurch called Church 2.0. The purpose of the forum was to discuss how the church can tap into the various social media that is currently sweeping our culture and society. Much of the discussion focused on innovation and was led by Greg Atkinson. Greg asked us to think of "innovators" in the Bible and then shared with us who he thought was the greatest innovator (other than Jesus of course) and that was Noah. Think about it, Noah had an unbelievable and daunting task that God asked him to do and that was --"Build An Ark". OK...and exactly how was he suppose to do it? The Lord had an answer for that too. Noah had to be a pretty incredible individual to build this fascinating ark.

Back in the early 60's Bill Cosby had a hilarious bit about the "pretend" conversation that Noah and the Lord may have had regarding "building an ark". Those old enough to remember, recall how Bill Cosby portrayed Noah's hesitancy to follow the Lord's instruction to "build an ark". Everything the Lord told Noah to do, was followed with Noah replying "right!" as if Noah was saying "do you really expect me to do that?" And the Lord would simply tell him the next step, to which Noah would again reply "right!" Where the Bible and Bill Cosby differ, is Noah didn't question God. He just "did according to all that God commanded him." I've embedded a YouTube video at the end of this article for your enjoyment.

So how do you "build an ark". Well the obvious answer is a little at a time. This was an enormous task. One man building this huge boat, seems impossible. So often, the Lord gives us an innovative idea. He wants us to "Build An Ark". It is birthed in prayer and inspired by the Holy Spirit, but too often, we are saying, "right"..."I can't do that, it's too big." And all the while we are forgetting that our God is big. He will not give us a task too daunting nor too large for us to accomplish. He will not call you to a ministry where He won't equip you and give you the ability to complete it. God's calling you to "Build An Ark".

But this is what Noah had going for him and you can have going for you:

  • He found grace in the eyes of the Lord (Gen. 6:8)
  • He was a just man (Gen. 6:9)
  • He was perfect in his generation (Gen. 6:9)
  • He walked with God (Gen. 6:9)
  • He did what God asked (Gen. 6:22)

How about you? What is God calling you to do? He is calling you to build an ark, and only you and God, know what that ark is. The exciting thing is He won't leave you without instructions or a plan. Just as He instructed Noah and gave him the plan, God will give you instructions and plans through His Word, the Holy Spirit, other people, and circumstances. In order for Noah to "Build An Ark" he had to listen to God. Listen to the Holy Spirit and see what He is saying to you. Allow God to innovate and inspire areas of your life. It's not always the safe thing to do. Sometimes the greatest innovations come out of the greatest risks. But you have to trust God that He is working and be willing to take the risk. Step out in faith and "Build An Ark!"